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Maddi on the trails at Camp Manitou

Alphabetical List of Workshops from Summit 2012

If you’d like a detailed printable version of the workshop descriptions and presenter bios here you go: workshops printable2

Back to Nature:  An Eco-Theatre Workshop  An interactive theatrical workshop will explore a variety of awe-inspiring phenomenon that occur in our backyard.  Presenter: Green Kids Inc.

 Cattail Mats This workshop will introduce the many ways that cattails can be used. Presenter: Laura Reeves, Eat Wild Edibles

Connecting Children with Nature Successful children’s authour and educator Marghanita Hughes of the Let’s GO Revolution will teach you how to rediscover wonder through nature art activities with children . Marghanita will provide you with concrete activities you can do with your children- like empowerment pebbles, to engage them with nature and also how to involve your communties elders in your classrooms natural adventures. Presenter: Marghanita Hughes

Early Morning Yoga  Yoga encourages love and respect for everything in our world and promotes connection to animals and nature.  Presenter: Erin Greene

Edible Science Planting and growing herbs.  Presenter: Ruth Lindsey-Armstrong

Exploring Ecology Through Art  Using nature to inspire a variety of art projects. Presenter: Assiniboine Park

Field Guide Scavenger Hunt  This activity is an excellent indoor alternative for days when you can’t get outdoors.  Presenter: Laura Reeves, Eat Wild Edibles

Fishing An outdoor workshop about fishing for beginners.  Presenter: Alexie Mauthe

Garden Problem Solving Learn how to trouble shoot garden problems and grow in any conditions. Presenter: Kathryn McKenzie

Geocaching with School Age Children Experience geocaching, the real life adventure game that lets you hunt for hidden treasures. Presenter: Suzanne Otte

Get Them Hooked. Introduction to aquatic ecosystems & habitats through fishing. Presenter: Carolyn Kosheluk Manitoba Wildlife FederationLuba Mycio-Mommers, Ph.D Canadian Wildlife Federation

Growing up GreenInteract with children through play, rhymes and books while furthering your knowledge of good environmental practices.  Presenter:Maryanne Sproule and Valerie Gendron, Bookmates

I Want to Talk with the Animals Learn all about animal behaviour and what it tells you. Presenter: Heather Hinam, Second Nature Adventures in Discovery

Learning for the Future.Create a lasting connection with nature for you and your students by making a difference for research and conservation through citizen science projects.  Presenter: Heather Hinam, Second Nature Adventures in Discovery

Lets’ Go Geocaching!  Learn how to use a GPS unit as you participate in a geocache! Presenter: Tabitha Martens, Ducks Unlimited

Looking for the Little Things  Stop and smell the roses in this celebration of all the things we take for granted & see the world with the eyes of a child.  Presenter: Heather Hinam, Second Nature Adventures in Discovery

Making and Using Field Journals with Children. Learn to Make simple field journals and try student tested activities.  Presenter: Madeleine Kettner, Grade 4 Teacher Seven Oaks School Division

Making Recycled Paper Use natural materials to create paper! Presenter: Deanna Kazina

Nature Education 101 Discovery Children’s Centre presents on creating a successful nature education programs within a child care environment, including their T.W.O weeks outdoors program and developing an adventure playspace. They will share successes and challenges and practical ideas such as how to get parents and communities to “buy in”. Presenters: Doris Storey and Anja Balharry

Nature Journaling Cement your connection with nature by making it a part of your life and the lives of your students.  Presenter: Heather Hinam, Second Nature Adventures in Discovery

Outdoor Classroom – Teaching Outside See how your classroom moves with you as you explore outside!  Presenter: Fort Whyte Alive!

Outdoor Nature Hike   Take a hike on the Camp Manitou site and learn about local flora and fauna so you can pass this knowledge onto the children in your life. Presenter: Deanna Kazina

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