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Tool Use With Children- Mavis Lewis-Webber

Tool Use With Children- Mavis Lewis-Webber

This hands on interactive workshop will help you safely set up a tool use area with the children in your life.  You will learn how to safely whittle and use other hand tools. All aspects of setting up a whittling program with children will be discussed. Bring a fixed blade knife if you have one!

  • Spaces are limited to 10 for this workshop

Workshop Time: Friday Afternoon and Saturday Morning

Group this workshop is best suited for: 5 + years of age

Presenter Bio:

Mavis Lewis-Webber has been active in the early childhood outdoor movement in Manitoba for many years. Mavis is a founding board member of the Manitoba Nature Summit. In her retirement Mavis enjoys walking the trails on her 80 acres and whittling with her knife.