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Workshop-Walking Meditation – Erin Greene

Workshop-Walking Meditation-Erin Greene

yogaWorkshop Description:Yoga with Erin Greene

In this workshop we will delve into the very intimate relationship we have with nature. Meditation and yoga will be practised under the expansive sky and amongst the trees. Using yoga concepts such as awareness and oneness, participants will explore what it truly means to be present. Walking through the forest, we will discover how it is a whole of many interconnected parts, and how we as humans can connect more deeply to it all and why this is so important for people of all ages.

Group this workshop is best suited for: Preschool (2-6 years), School-age (6-12 years), Youth (10-18 years)

This workshop will be offered: Saturday AM

Presenter Bio:

Erin Greene


Erin Greene has been teaching yoga and dance to children for more than 10 years. Her passion for people and cultures guided her to complete her B.A. in Sociology and Anthropology at Concordia University in 2008. In 2011, she completed her yoga certification courses and is furthering her yoga studies in Alaska this spring. She believes that using yoga to connect children back to nature can have a great impact for positive change in the way that children see themselves and the world around them. She possesses a great sense of adventure and an immense love of nature.