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Saturday Keynote – Momenta

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The Manitoba Nature Summit Inc. was started with the goal of showcasing some of the amazing work that is being done right here in Manitoba to get kids outside. Momenta: Experience, Discover, Grow  is an excellent example of Manitobans effectively connecting children to nature. Sarah Harrison will be presenting the following keynote address:
momenta photo
Getting Outdoors: Successful Urban and Wilderness Experiences for Youth with Behavioural Disorders
 Since 2012 Momenta: experience discover grow has partnered with The Manitoba FASD Center and 
 Manitoba FASD Family Network to meet the increasing need for appropriate recreational and camping 
 experiences for youth with FASD. The American Institute for Research showed that students who were 
 exposed to outdoor education programs over the period of several months, “displayed enhanced 
 cooperation and conflict resolution skills, increased self-esteem, increased problem solving skills and an 
 increased motivation to learn.” Unfortunately, youth with Behavioural Disorders like FASD are often 
 misunderstood and often have difficulty integrating into regular recreational and camp experiences offered in the community, thus missing out on a very valuable learning and socialization opportunities. This presentation will present a successful urban and wilderness- based recreational model that is offered throughout the year for youth with FASD and other Behavioural Disorders.
Sara Harrison
Sara Harrison completed her undergraduate in Criminology with her research focus in wilderness therapy, completed the Canadian Outdoor Leadership Training and the University of Manitoba Applied Counselling  Program. Sara specializes in leading remote and urban therapeutic adventure programs that provide  opportunities for participants to learn about themselves through positive risk taking. Sara has a special interest in creating safe space, relationship building, leadership development and behaviour management.