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Fireside Chat about Outdoor Play Policy-Mavis Lewis-Webber

Fireside Chat about Outdoor Play Policy-Mavis Lewis-Webber

In February Mavis participated in an Outdoor Play Study Tour to Scotland.  Inspired by Scotland’s document “Our World Outdoors” Mavis has begun to lobby for outdoor play policy in Manitoba and Canada to be updated.  During this fireside chat Mavis will share highlights of the trip to Scotland and the progress of her lobby efforts.

Workshop Time: Friday Morning

Group that this workshop is best suited for: Anyone who wishes to advocate for a vigorous outdoor play policy in Manitoba!

Presenter Bio:

Mavis Lewis-Webber has been active in the early childhood outdoor movement in Manitoba for many years. Mavis is a founding board member of the Manitoba Nature Summit. In her retirement Mavis enjoys walking the trails on her 80 acres and whittling with her knife