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Workshop-Cooking Outdoor- Brandy Avramoski

Popcorn on the cob over the fire

Workshop-Cooking Outdoor- Brandy Avramoski

Workshop Description:

In this workshop I will be discussing and demonstrating how to cook on a fire pit. The following points will be covered during a demonstration of cooking bannock pizza over a fire.

1. Safety and precautions

2. Supplies and preparations

3. Benefits

4. Recipes

While people are enjoying a sample pizza we will discuss step by step the process of successfully cooking over an open flame. The cooking is the easy part; it is the preparation, safety and knowledge that require skill and practice.

Group this workshop is best suited for: Preschool (2-6 years), School-age (6-12 years)

This workshop will be presented: Saturday PM

Presenter Bio:


Brandy Avramoski is an ECE II at Gretta Brown Day Nursery Centre where she has worked for 5 years with the 4-6 year old children. Since her start at the Gretta Brown Unit she has committed herself and collaborated with her co-workers in developing a nature based center. A grant allowed the staff and children at Day Nursery Center to spend the summers exploring parks and outdoor settings within Manitoba. The staff and the children learned from one another and have become experienced in getting out into nature. Brandy is also a member of the Green Committee at Day Nursery Center. This group is committed to providing nature-based experiences and enhancing the centers’ aesthetics and proficiency. Brandy has participated in the documentary “Manitoba Nature Summit- Outdoor Play” with MTS on demand. More recently she has co-led a group of children to participate in a “Forest School” pilot project with Mavis Lewis Webber. This passion of the outdoors is second nature to Brandy; she has camped since 9 months old and lived in rural settings. Writing, gardening, camping, fishing, biking, skiing, and kickboxing are some of the activities she enjoys. She hopes that children can have the experiences that she had as a child and is dedicated to providing the tools and environment that allow children the freedom to be kids outdoors.