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Friday Keynote – Lenore Skenazy

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The Manitoba Nature Summit Inc. is pleased to announce that Lenore Skenazy will be the keynote speaker at the Nature Summit on Friday, September 12th.

Lenore Skenazy is “America’s Worst Mom.” (Google it!) The New York City columnist got that name after she wrote a 2008 piece: “Why I Let My 9-year-old Take the Subway Alone.” In response to the media blowback, she founded the book and blog, “Free-Range Kids,” which helped launch the anti-helicopter parenting movement. Her feisty belief that our kids are not in constant danger has landed her on shows from Dr. Phil to The View to The Today Show. (Twice! And ask about the wacky afterschool class she started in Central Park. That one landed her on Anderson Cooper two days in a row!) She has lectured everywhere from Microsoft to the Sydney Opera House, and is host of the Slice TV show, “Bubble Wrap Kids.” A Yale grad and mom of two, she believes in safety, but NOT in making kids “too safe to succeed.”

Lenore is smart, funny and current and while she may critique parenting she also suggests a positive way forward. On the whole- she is everything you could want in a keynote speaker- challenging and inspirational. We are very excited to meet her and hear what she has to say first hand!

Join us the evening of Thursday, Sept.11, 2014 to hear Lenore speak for a night of laughter and information gathering to fundraise for Manitoba Nature Summit– $10 tickets for sale now on our Registration Page! or email to make ticket arrangements.