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Advanced Treasure Hunting

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I’ve never hunted for a geo-cache. But I have friends and colleagues who do and descriptions of it sound like the perfect activity to do with children. I’m definitely putting it on my to-do list for this year. I also think that it is the perfect marriage between a love of nature and the use of new technologies.

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Lost Ladybug Project

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Why not help out the folks at Cornell and boost your curriculum by participating in the Lost Ladybug Project?

It turns out that scientists are concerned about declining ladybug populations so they’ve started a survey of ladybugs. It’s very simple all you do is find a ladybug, photograph it and email it to them. All the details are on available on their website.

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What’s new with Manitoba Nature Action Collaborative for Children?

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For those of you who attend meetings with our friends MNACC or who’ve never attended but always wanted to- here is the recently decided meeting schedule and topics for the 2011/12 season.

For those of you who are asking “What the heck is an MNACC and what does it have to do to the Nature Summit?” please refer to the About page for more information on our relationship. The short answer is that MNACC is the mother of the Nature Summit.

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One Year Until Summit 2012

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Can you believe it is only 1 year until the next Nature Summit? Wow! We have been very busy getting this site up and running and working out the kinks that come with it. Also, organizing fundraisers and events to keep the Nature Summit spirit alive for the time being. Like our Rumors Fundraiser coming up on Thursday, October 13, 2011. Tickets are only $12 with half the proceeds going to help the next Summit in 2012! Contact a nature Summit committee member or e-mail to get your tickets today!

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