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As children, we all live in a world of imagination, of fantasy, and for some of us that world of make-believe continues into adulthood. Certainly I’ve lived my whole life through my imagination. But the world of imagination is there for all of us – a sense of play, of pretending, of wonder. It’s there with us as we live.       Jim Henson

Educators now understand that the solution to childhood obesity, and a disconnection to the natural world, is rooted in active nature education programs for children.

Schools are building outdoor classrooms, Adventure Playgrounds are growing increasingly common, Early Learning and Care Centres are planting gardens, and administrators are drafting policies about the importance of environmental education.

These things should lead to children experiencing more quality time in green spaces.

However, on the front lines we still see children being kept indoors because of inclement weather, limited nature experiences due to fears for safety, and teachers afraid to use outdoor classrooms because they themselves are uncomfortable leaving the indoors.

How do we expect educators who are afraid of nature to pass on a sense of wonder to our children?

The Nature Summit is the answer.

The Summit allows educators to immerse themselves in nature and rediscover their own sense of wonder. Participants of the Nature Summit will have a nature immersion experience.  Summit workshops and experiences are hands-on opportunities to build skills that can be used in developing an effective nature education curriculum.