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Top 20 Reasons to Attend the 2014 Manitoba Nature Summit

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drama1.) To network with some truly amazing people.

2.) To re-discover wonder.

3.) Because when else can you attend a conference and not have to iron anything?

4.) You want a world that values play and children who appreciate nature.

5.) You’d like some help convincing your administrators/childcare coordinator that you should have an adventure playground.

6.) Because Lenore Skenazy might be America’s Worst Mom but also Canada’s Best Keynote.

7.) The best place to learn about astronomy is while lying under the stars.

8.) You only know how to cook smores on the campfire and you’d like to expand your menu.

9.) So you can extend your inclusive practice into the great outdoors.

10.) You missed the Night Hike in 2012 and you still regret it.

11.) You’d like to get your yearly allotment of Professional Development hours by playing outside rather than sitting in a dreary conference room.

12.) You’ve always wanted to pretend that you are Katniss Everdeen at a real archery range, followed up by catching/foraging your own dinner.

13.) You’d like to take your infants outside but don’t know how you’ll keep them from eating caterpillars.

14.) What the heck is the Blind Drum Stalk anyway?

15.) You’d like to Free Range your kids but you don’t know where to start.

16.) You think the idea of Forest School is cool but you are not sure about teaching 3 year olds to make fire.

17.) Outdoor Film Festival. ‘Nuff said.

18.) You are ready to move from mud play to building a full on mud kitchen.

19.) You missed the last Nature Summit and you still regret it.
and last but not least…

20.) You need a new campfire song so you can finally get that I Had a Little Chicken song out of your head!