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What to pack for the 2012 Nature Summit

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Enjoying the Scott Tones show

When packing your gear, keep in mind that the accommodations at Camp Manitou are sparse (bunks) and dorms are shared with other Summit participants.
The following list details the essential items to bring with you. You can use this as a checklist for packing:

  • Sleeping bag and pillow.
  • A warm coat – essential to ward off chilly nights or a windy day. Also bring a heavy sweater or a fleece jacket.
  • Rain gear – a raincoat and rain pants, and if possible rain boots and a hat.
  • Shirts and jeans or other comfortable clothes for outdoor activities.
  • Pyjamas
  • Hiking boots or running shoes – essential for outdoor activities. The trails may be wet and slippery, so bring shoes/boots that can be worn for outdoors only. Bring several pairs of socks in case yours get wet.
  • Indoor shoes – for alternative activities you may want to bring indoor shoes.
  • Toiletries – towel, facecloth, biodegradable shampoo/soap, toothbrush, toothpaste. Since shower space is limited, participants will be encouraged to wait to shower until they return home, however this is a choice and will not be enforced.
  • Flashlight – make sure you have fresh batteries!
  • Hat – essential for hot days and perhaps to keep your head dry.
  • Gloves and neck warmer – we all know that September weather can be tenuous. Be prepared and pack some warm stuff.
  • Sunscreen and mosquito repellent – last year the mosquitoes reared their ugly heads in September. Don’t forget this or you’ll be slapping!
  • Your camera – feel free to take pictures all weekend!
  • Yoga Mat or a towel
  • Lawn Chair
  • Sweets/Soda Pop/Snacks- there isn’t a canteen at the Camp Manitou so although your meals will be provided there won’t be any other snacks or treats on site unless you pack it with you!
  • Spending money. In case you’d like to buy a Nature Summit shirt, or something from one of the presenters or resource fair tables.

Accommodations are bunk style. Depending on your registration request you will either bunk with your chosen roommates or you will be assigned to a room. We will do our best to ensure that all choices are honored. As a reminder, please be a gracious roommate. Loud or boisterous activity will not be permitted (unless everyone agrees).