Kim Rondeau joined the nature summit committee because she believes that being in touch with nature is important for the mind, body and spirit. She is currently the Assistant Director at Lord Roberts Children’s Programs and was previously the site supervisor of School-Age Childcare for the YMCA YWCA of Winnipeg. She volunteers for the MCCA School-Age Committee, MCCA Conference committee, and Cancer Care Manitoba’s annual Breast Cancer Pledge Ride.
Kim loves adventure, taking on new challenges, trying out new experiences, and acquiring new hobbies and skills. She is passionate about the benefits of getting outside to engage with the elements and connect with nature for everyone’s holistic wellness. She plays acoustic guitar as a hobby and enjoys road trips, camping and trips to warm destinations. Her other hobbies include spending time outside doing things such as cross country skiing, riding my motorcycle, hiking, and kayaking. Kim has has two grown children, her son is a music educator and her daughter works in school-age childcare.