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MNACC schedule of events for 2013/2014

Here is a list of Manitoba Nature Action Collaborative for Children events for the next year- as cut and pasted from Ron Blatz’ email tree:

We have put together a skeleton schedule together for 2013-2014 MNACC Meetings.  Again we have planned 4 meetings.   Oh yes I also have avoided any Jets home games, priorities you know!  Here they are (with some tentative ideas for content of the meetings):


  • ·         October 10

o   Debriefing the activities and Two Week Outdoor events of the summer and other related initiatives you have been involved in.

o   Mavis Weber-Lewis (RRC Early Childhood Instructor) to do an extended report on her week long training with Forest School Canada – Confirmed


  • ·         November 14

o   Debrief on the information and outcomes of the Manitoba Education gathering (Nov 4)with Enid Elliot and the Forest Kindergarten in B.C.  – Not yet to be confirmed.

o   3 staff from Discovery went to a 3 day conference in California on Children & Nature and will do an extended report on this. – Confirmed


  • ·         February 13

o   I was also thinking of inviting some School teachers to report on how they are incorporating nature into their programs and environments. – Not yet to be confirmed.

o   Perhaps it’s time to once again have an evening on outdoor nature play grounds – Not yet to be confirmed.


  • ·         April 17

o   Inspirations and helpful hints for year 4 of the Two Week Outdoor Project. – Confirmed

§  By the way, the Infant program (under 2 year olds) at Discovery is doing a whole week outside this week.  This includes diaper changes, eating, sleeping from 6:30 AM– 6:00 PM.  So if you think it’s to intimidating to try some sort of an extended time outdoors, do think of this courageous group and give it a go.  If they can do it, you can do it.


2.       Many of you have enjoyed the hands on outdoor adventures that have been planned by the MNACC group in the past.  This year the Manitoba Nature Summit folk have agreed to work on some hands on activities.   Stay tuned for updates on this.


3.       Recently Toni Christie (from New Zealand – she were also presenter at this year’s MCCA conference)) sent me this link to a radio interview done by Adam Bienestock (Canada – and presenter at this year’s MCCA conference), Claire Warden (Scotland), and Toni .  There are some technical difficulties so you only get the first  part of the show, but it’s worth the listen.


Link to audio from today’s interview here: