We had a fantastic time ‘at’ this event! Here are the resources and links that were shared by the presenters and participants.

Manitoba Nature Summit invites you to join us around the virtual campfire for a series of free, hands-on workshops supporting outdoor winter learning. Gain resources, connections, and inspiration for getting out in the cold and staying safe.
Join us via ZOOM at any time during the event. Click Here or use link at bottom of the page.
11:00AM to 11:15 AM | Brief Welcome, Housekeeping, and Intro from Host(s) | Kayla and Host |
11:15 AM to 11:45 AM | Tips for Safe Winter Learning | Kristi Fitzgerald |
11:45 AM to 12:15 PM | Winter Detectives: Finding Evidence of Animals in the Snow | Jim Duncan |
12:15 PM to 12:30PM | Campfire Break – Network, Have a Snack, and Discuss the Winter Calendar Challenge | Host and Committee Members |
12:30PM to 1:00 PM | Winter Art | Corine Anderson |
1:00 PM to 1:15 PM | Snowflake Identification with Children | Madeleine Baisburd |
1:15 PM to 1:45 PM. | Winter Resilience | Leah Smith |
1:45 PM to 2:00 PM | Campfire Break – Network, Share, and Discuss the Winter Calendar Challenge | Host and Committee Members |
2:00 PM to 2:30 PM | Winter Wildlife Adaptations | Heather Hinam |
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