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2024 Summit Schedule

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Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

5:00pm-7:00pm– Registration Begins/ set up your tent/bunk/lawn chair/sit-spot

5:00pm-7:00pm– Community Stone Soup Meal (pack a veggie that you can add to the soup!) – We’ll gather at the outdoor eating area and folks can pitch in to help build a vegan/gluten free soup in the cauldron (!!) We’ll likely have some kind of flat bread you can cook yourself and campfire dessert. It’ll be a little DIY and team-worky encouraging networking and getting to know one another

5:00pm-7:00pm – Swag Pickup

7:00pm– Opening Ceremony and Blessing

Dusk – Song-sharing/Campfire Jam – Bring your best children’s songs to share and your instruments. Perfect singing voice/talent unnecessary

Friday, May 3rd 2024

6:00am– Coffee/Kettle on in main lodge

7:30am-9:00am – Registration table open

8:00-8:45am– Breakfast (for those who stayed overnight)

8:45am-9:15am– Opening remarks/Housekeeping/ Intro of Keynote

9:15am-10:15am- Friday Keynote- Kisa MacIsaac

10:15am-10:30am – Washroom Break/Gather workshop supplies/put your layers on

10:30am SHARP!!! EVERYONE TO BE AT MAIN CAMPFIRE – all workshop presenters and participants will gather at the campfire, split into their groups and head out. If you are late you may not find your workshop as some will be deep in the forest.

10:30am-12:30pm – Workshops. See C-vent for workshop details

12:30pm-1:30pm– Lunch (eat it where you want but make sure your waste is properly disposed of)

1:30pm-1:45pm- Transition time (washroom, gather your gear, clean up, etc.)

1:45pm-3:45pm- Workshops- same deal as in the morning- be at the campfire at 1:45 SHARP

3:45pm-5:45pm – Activity Time – Archery, Ropes Course, Games, Sit Spot, Arts & Crafts, Self-Guided Hike, Whittling, Relaxing, Networking

6:00pm-7:00pm – Supper

7:00pm-9:00pm- Tye Dying T-shirts,

8:00pm Campfire Hangouts/whittling, self-appointed activities

After Dark– Night Hike meet at the main campfire

Saturday, May 4th, 2024

6:00am – Coffee/Kettle on in main lodge

7:30am-9:00am – Registration table open and Swag pickup

8:00am-8:45am– Breakfast (for those who stayed overnight)

8:45am-9:15am – Opening remarks/Housekeeping/ Intro of Keynote

9:15am-10:15am – Saturday Keynote- Niigaan Sinclair

10:15am-10:30am – Washroom Break/Gather workshop supplies/put your layers on

10:30am SHARP!!! EVERYONE TO MEET AT MAIN CAMPFIRE – all workshop presenters and participants will gather at the campfire, split into their groups and head out. If you are late you may not find your workshop as some will be deep in the forest.

10:30am-12:30pm – Workshops. See C-vent for workshop details

12:30pm-1:30pm – Lunch (eat it where you want but make sure your waste is properly disposed of)

1:30pm-1:45pm – Transition time (bathroom, gather your gear, clean up, etc.)

1:45pm-3:45pm – Workshops- same deal as in the morning- be at the campfire at 1:45 SHARP

3:45pm-4:15pm – Closing Circle at Main Campfire

4:15pm-5:00pm – Clean up and say good bye’s

See you next time!